Hey, I am Maxwell

Photography is a captivating form of artistic expression that has the ability to transcend boundaries and find resonance in various realms, such as politics, sports, and the portrayal of individuals through portraits. My passion for photography originated during my high school years, which were marked by struggles with my mental health and well-being. I needed to convey complex emotions and experiences related to mental health without relying on verbal communication, and photography provided the perfect medium to do so. I found solace and inspiration in the photographic works of Richard Avedon, whose evocative images provided me with a profound sense of belonging and understanding.

Still, my mental health took an unexpected turn during my sophomore year of high school, leading me to enroll in a residential mental health treatment. Upon returning home, I faced a sense of desolation and isolation as depression tightened its grip on me. It was during this period of despair that photography once again became my refuge, serving as a catalyst for my recovery.

Despite being diagnosed with a mood disorder, I remain deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my loved ones, the guidance of therapy, and the enduring flame of passion for photography, all of which have collaborated to propel me forward in my journey.

Currently, I am pursuing my Bachelor of Business Administration at Southern New Hampshire University while juggling the demands of a full-time role as a Member Events Liaison for a Non-Profit company. Amidst my busy schedule, I have discovered a profound passion for capturing authentic portrait photography during my personal time. For me, there is a genuine connection to my soul in helping people feel special and beautiful through my photography. I have found purpose in my mission to restore self-respect to those who may have lost it, aiming to empower them to feel as strong and stunning as the powerful beings they are. My ultimate goal is to create a space where individuals can truly embrace their inner and outer strength, feeling like the empowered badasses they deserve to be.

Much Love,

Maxwell Ferguson